domingo, 29 de março de 2015

A life in your hands

  Today, I took these photos. Is amazing to feel the weakness of that egg when compared with the hardness of the human hand. It makes me think about the phenomenon of life and the amazing complexity of it. Is hard to describe the feelings that filled me in that moment and this prove, again, that we live in wonderful world that have to be protected and preserved.

  Those eggs were from a frog, and there were thousands of them.

A picture is worth a thousand words

sábado, 28 de março de 2015

What can we learn with successful people?

  Successful people inspire us to be better, to follow their steps and try to reach their level. So, what do they all have in common? Witch are the traits that have been, in their opinion, the cause of their success?

  With the information of a lot of interviews, some traits were highlighted because of the amount of times that those were referred as “very important”.

  Well, one thing that all respondents have in common is that all of them love what they’re doing, and that lead us to the first step: be in love by the job or activity that you what to improve. It also should be your only job, because, if you want to be recognized by our skills in a certain area, you have to focus all your attention in that, otherwise it will not be easy.
  Has you might imagine, is very important to work hard, to push yourself to the next level and have always good and creative ideas, but you will only show your skills to the world if you serve the ones around you. You have to make them know what you’re capable of.
  And finally, you have to persist and fight for your dreams.

  So, never forget to be in love by your job, focus in only one activity, work hard, push yourself to the next level, be creative, serve the world with your service and persist because, success is not something that you achieve in one night.

sexta-feira, 20 de março de 2015

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sábado, 14 de março de 2015

Let´s think about the unknown

 What is reality anyway? How can we say that we, our bodies, our mind is real?

 This thing we call life can only be a dream! We all know how dreams can seem to be so realistic. Or, even if this is all real, can we assume that things are the way we think they are?
 For instants, the majority of us think we have free will. But, if we think, are we sure about that?
For example, everyone knows cells don´t think, they don’t have a brain so they act in response to the exterior stimulus. So, I dare to say that cells act in a predictable and even “programmed” way.
If we assume this is true, that cells are, in fact, simple organisms that act the way they are programmed to, we can take this thought to another, more complex beings. Is a plant programmed? In other words, if we know the big variety of stimulus it is affected for, can we predict it´s behaviour? Is a dog programmed? Is an elephant programmed? Are we programmed? And if your answer is an immediate “No”, remember that our brain is just a big group of cells that together can do a lot, but they continue to be affected by the natural lows that govern the part of universe we already know about.
 The universe we already know about because, if you accept the idea of the possible existence of another universes in addition to our own, you can start thinking if the rules that govern those universes are the ones that governs our.
 Well, with so many things that do not have a real answer, is good to think about the ones we already know, like, the fact that this letter are black. Black that is the way we see it. The way we see it, but..., is our sight good enough for us to rely on? Is possible for a person to be colour blind his all life and never know that he is actually seeing things in a different way. So, how do we know that we all see the same colours in the same way? Well, not exactly in the same way, but in a very close one? I think we just can´t ... or can we?

 These are just a very tiny fraction of some of the questions that no one has an answer for (at least, an accepted one). And, like Descartes once said “I think therefore I am”, this if we consider that we actually think, but that stays for another day.

domingo, 8 de março de 2015

How do heterotrophic unicellular beings can get organic matter?

 When we are talking about how unicellular beings do their digestion, there are 3 main organelles we need to talk about: The cell membrane, the Golgi complex and the endoplasmic reticulum.
 It all starts on the endoplasmic reticulum that is involved on the synthesis of proteins, lipids and hormones. It is also involved on the transport of proteins and other substances. After the synthesis of the proteins, the vesicles or the tubules of the ER (endoplasmic reticulum) transport these proteins to the Golgi complex, where the vesicles membrane merges to the dictyosomes membrane.
 The Golgi complex is composed by many dictyosomes that have a convex and a concave side. The convex side is the formation face, and is where the proteins from the ER first arrive. They leave through the concave side, the maturation face. During this time, some proteins became functional and some enzymes became active. These enzymes form the lysosomes (vesicles with enzymes inside).
 When a cell finds his food, they take them into yourself through a process called endocytosis (there are some different types of endocytosis). With the cell membrane is formed an endocytic vesicle, that stats to be called digestive vacuole when it fuses with a lysosome. Is on that vacuole that the substances are digested and the products of digestion are released on the cell cytoplasm. The waste leaves the cell when that vacuole (now called secretory vesicle) merges with the cell membrane.

Why we should learn a foreigner language?

 Language connects us to the others. Today, there are more than 6,500 spoken languages in the world. But, what benefits brings us the process of learning a new language? And I´m not talking about the bigger variety of jobs we can get, or the number of people we can meet around the globe. I´m referring to our brain, to see the advantages this can bring to our personal life.
 So, want to be smarter? Learn a language! Want to live longer? Learn a language! Want to learn how to learn? I don’t have to say it again ... Learn a Language! A lot of studies have been published talking about this topic, and the conclusions reveal: the process of learning a new tongue brings more advantages then disadvantages, and this can be done at any age. This is so a great thing that it also helps to delay the progression of Alzheimer´s disease. For those of you who are more interested on the scientific side of this, I have some studies for you: ; ; ;
 I hope that this publication incentive you to learn a new language, and, consequently, learn a culture. Maybe you want to try Portuguese as a second, third or even fourth tongue., who knows? 

Who am i?

 My name is João Pimenta, and I´m from Portugal. English is not my native language, so, if I give any mistake in my publications, please, tell me on the comments bellow. 
 I decide to begin “Pimenta’s talks” because I really wanted to express myself someway, and have the opportunity to understand people’s thoughts. I write in english for two main reasons: the first one is because blogs are not very common/popular in Portugal. The second is because I want to reach the biggest number of people I can, so we can create a “global debate” about many stuffs I our even you write about.
 This is who I am, and this is what I do.

sábado, 7 de março de 2015

Who are we?

 Well, this is not a question with an easy (or even universally accepted) answer, but it is a very interesting one, in my point of view.
 Scientists say we are just an advanced specie of primates. Religion says we are the son of Gods. Dictionary defines “person” has the human being physic and spiritual individuality. But, with all of these different and so well accepted ideas, is easy for us to lose ourselves on this ocean of thoughts and leave aside our critical thinking.
 To me, a person is the result of the interaction between his unconscious and his conscious parts of the brain, and the impact it has on the world around him. But this reveals a lot of different and, again, interesting questions, like: If, somehow, we can create a clone that think exactly like us, and act the way we do, can we consider that clone like “a new me” ? And this is also usual for us to understand the facility we have in ask questions, but the difficult it is to give them an answer. Is also interesting to think that, it doesn’t matter how much billion people exist on the earth´s surface, because we know that exist some things that we really can apply to everyone, as curiosity.