sábado, 14 de março de 2015

Let´s think about the unknown

 What is reality anyway? How can we say that we, our bodies, our mind is real?

 This thing we call life can only be a dream! We all know how dreams can seem to be so realistic. Or, even if this is all real, can we assume that things are the way we think they are?
 For instants, the majority of us think we have free will. But, if we think, are we sure about that?
For example, everyone knows cells don´t think, they don’t have a brain so they act in response to the exterior stimulus. So, I dare to say that cells act in a predictable and even “programmed” way.
If we assume this is true, that cells are, in fact, simple organisms that act the way they are programmed to, we can take this thought to another, more complex beings. Is a plant programmed? In other words, if we know the big variety of stimulus it is affected for, can we predict it´s behaviour? Is a dog programmed? Is an elephant programmed? Are we programmed? And if your answer is an immediate “No”, remember that our brain is just a big group of cells that together can do a lot, but they continue to be affected by the natural lows that govern the part of universe we already know about.
 The universe we already know about because, if you accept the idea of the possible existence of another universes in addition to our own, you can start thinking if the rules that govern those universes are the ones that governs our.
 Well, with so many things that do not have a real answer, is good to think about the ones we already know, like, the fact that this letter are black. Black that is the way we see it. The way we see it, but..., is our sight good enough for us to rely on? Is possible for a person to be colour blind his all life and never know that he is actually seeing things in a different way. So, how do we know that we all see the same colours in the same way? Well, not exactly in the same way, but in a very close one? I think we just can´t ... or can we?

 These are just a very tiny fraction of some of the questions that no one has an answer for (at least, an accepted one). And, like Descartes once said “I think therefore I am”, this if we consider that we actually think, but that stays for another day.

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