domingo, 8 de março de 2015

Why we should learn a foreigner language?

 Language connects us to the others. Today, there are more than 6,500 spoken languages in the world. But, what benefits brings us the process of learning a new language? And I´m not talking about the bigger variety of jobs we can get, or the number of people we can meet around the globe. I´m referring to our brain, to see the advantages this can bring to our personal life.
 So, want to be smarter? Learn a language! Want to live longer? Learn a language! Want to learn how to learn? I don’t have to say it again ... Learn a Language! A lot of studies have been published talking about this topic, and the conclusions reveal: the process of learning a new tongue brings more advantages then disadvantages, and this can be done at any age. This is so a great thing that it also helps to delay the progression of Alzheimer´s disease. For those of you who are more interested on the scientific side of this, I have some studies for you: ; ; ;
 I hope that this publication incentive you to learn a new language, and, consequently, learn a culture. Maybe you want to try Portuguese as a second, third or even fourth tongue., who knows? 

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